Project name




UX/UI Design


July '21

Project duration


Design of a mobile app that revolutionizes the workspace experience. Crafted to enhance mental well-being, it's informed by extensive research on environmental factors.

This innovative project, born out of the BCII school's commitment to transdisciplinary problem-solving, addresses the complex issues arising from the shift to remote work. 'Optimise' seeks to redefine the home workspace by creating a decentralized experience that fosters a positive environment and improves mental health based on unique working styles. The app's success is evident not only in its high academic recognition but also in its potential to revolutionize how individuals engage with their work environment in the post-pandemic era.

• User Research (Empathy Mapping, User Stories, Card Sorting, Screen Brainstorming, Mind mapping, and a UX Strategy Blueprint
• User Testing
• Wireframes & Prototyping
• High Fidelity Mockups
• Project report

Whilst I was engaged throughout all ideation and testing phases within this group project, my individual role particularly pertained to designing and developing the mobile app. Leveraging valuable insights from stakeholders, I identified key questions and priorities that guided our decision-making. The creation of a UX Strategy Blueprint in the project's early stages allowed for a thorough examination of guiding principles and other focus areas, providing a strategic foundation for app development. The iterative and adaptive approach we adopted facilitated a constructive feedback system in a safe-to-fail environment. This method, anchored in primary sources and user testing, yielded valuable conclusions. While my strengths lie in ideation, design thinking, and rapid prototyping, I embraced divergent methods and honed my business skills, especially in considering ideas' feasibility and viability.

Customer Needs & Business Objectives

Engaging in the BCII school, this project initially grappled with a broad challenge—creating more inclusive and holistic spaces to combat urban loneliness. However, recognizing the need for a more focused goal within the project's timeframe, the team shifted its attention to explore the impacts of decentralized working environments, specifically in the context of the prevalent Work from Home (WFH) model. This shift emphasized the importance of adaptability and iterative problem-solving, setting the stage for a nuanced exploration.

In the 'Understand' phase, comprehensive research methodologies were employed to delve into the nuances of remote work challenges. This included empathetic techniques like conducting in-depth interviews with diverse WFH individuals, creating empathy maps to visualize their experiences, and developing user stories to capture their unique perspectives. This thorough understanding laid the foundation for subsequent phases.

Refining our Problem Statement

The definition phase involved a focus on 'how to make spaces more inclusive and holistic.' Yet, the broad nature of the problem led to a pivot, refining the goal to a more attainable and measured objective. Brainstorming sessions delved into the concept of "decentralized spaces," with a specific focus on working environments, especially considering the prevalent WFH model. The problem space was defined through strategic primary and secondary research, interviews, and preliminary experiments, culminating in a refined hypothesis: creating an optimized environment for individuals' learning styles and emotions would enhance productivity and mental well-being.

This phase utilized various tools such as mind mapping to structure and organize information gathered during the research phase. Strategic definition involved synthesizing user feedback and identifying patterns, leading to the formulation of precise problem statements. This phase clarified the project's scope, aligning it with real-world needs and setting the stage for the ideation process.

Digital and Print Collateral

The ideation process unfolded collaboratively, drawing inspiration from stakeholder consultations, creative brainstorming, and design thinking principles. The shift towards decentralized spaces spurred discussions on personal impacts and led to the identification of the project's current research focus on working styles and their correlation with the work environment. Techniques like design sprints, Crazy 8s, and reverse thinking were employed. Stakeholder consultations inspired innovative solutions, and creative brainstorming sessions generated a myriad of ideas. For instance, considering the diverse working styles identified, ideas emerged for personalized workspaces, flexible furniture arrangements, and ambient environmental elements that align with individual preferences.

High Fidelity Prototypes & User Testing

Design thinking principles were embraced in the 'Design' phase, translating ideated solutions into tangible, user-centric designs. A UX Strategy Blueprint provided a roadmap, addressing challenges, aspirations, and guiding principles. Wireframes and visual mock-ups, created using tools like Sketch and, allowed for a detailed exploration of the app's interface. The 'Optimise' app's design ensured a seamless and visually appealing user experience, incorporating feedback from rapid prototyping and iterative testing.

The comprehensive testing phase reflected a commitment to refinement and optimization. User testing and primary sources facilitated valuable conclusions, ensuring the app's alignment with stakeholder needs. Rigorous testing methodologies enabled us to validate assumptions and refine the app's functionality. Usability tests were conducted, involving real users navigating the prototype. User feedback from these tests played a pivotal role in shaping the final design, ensuring it not only met but exceeded user expectations.